Who we are. and what are our values

Compendia is a plural form of a medieval Latin word which meaning is a summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge. Compendia d.o.o. is a privately held company which gathers ambitious and skilled young professionals with a good track record of realised projects in various fields industries. Compendia d.o.o. has started as a series of informal brainstorming sessions with an aim to improve certain processes but has slowly developed into a young company which is able to provide support and assistance to the region of South-Eastern and Central Europe..

Services. how we can help you

Business consulting

Business consulting

The Compendia team consists of experts in various fields of manufacturing industries who offer business consulting for R&D and production companies. We offer a variety of customised trainings and assistance in four major fields:
- Assessments and audits
- Processes and inter-connectivity
- Technology and maintenance
- Quality and continuous improvement

Soldering Training

Soldering Training

In Compendia d.o.o. we are fully aware of the importance of quality soldering and repairs.
Soldering training consists of two parts - theoretical where all aspects of rework are being explained and practical where the real rework is done and techniques are presented.


Dental information system

Dental information system

DentIS (Dental informational System) is a product of Compendia d.o.o. based on Microsoft SharePoint® platform and specially tailored for dental praxis. DentIS provides easy and simple administration of dental records, automated notification system for upcoming check-ups and interventions and quick insight over the performed interventions for each patient.


Plastic molding machines

Plastic molding machines

Compendia d.o.o. is an official partner and exclusive distributor for Yizumi plastic molding machines and products for Slovenia.
Yizumi produces machines up to 3400 Tonnes. Compendia is on the other hand specialized for machines in A5 family, however we offer other Yizumi products as well. The smallest A5 machine is 60 Tonnes and the largest is 2600 Tonnes.


Contact us. we are just one click away

Contact Info

In case you have any question for our team, feel free to use this contact form to get in touch with us!

info@compendia.eu +386 (0)31 474 287 Vojkova ulica 32, SI-6320 Portorož - Portorose, Slovenia

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